MixoType – Identity Discovery Consulting2022-12-03T14:58:59+00:00

The MixoType Identity Discovery Consultation

Analyze, Self-Reflect, & Build Your Unique Identity

Step-by-Step & Take Charge of Your Life’s Purpose

Book My FREE 15 Minute Strategy session


Step 1: Book Your Free 15 Minute Strategy Session

Step 2: At the end of the Free 15 Minute Strategy Session, purchase the MixoType Identity Discovery Consultation

The FREE 15 Minute Strategy Session

During the free 15 minute strategy session, which you can book here, we will look into your life situation and get a better understanding of where you are struggling with identity, purpose, and narrative. We get a baseline understanding of your needs, and then we work together to address how the MixoType Identity Discovery Consultation may help you. If your situation qualifies, then we will invite you to to book the consultation with us at the end of the free 15 minute strategy session.

The Mixotype Identity Discovery Consultation

The MixoType Identity Discovery Consultation consists of three elements:

  1. The Identity Discovery Process
  2. Self-Actualization Problem Analysis
  3. Custom Results Report

1. Identity Discovery Process

Go through our Identity Discovery Software with us over Zoom as we guide your hand through the entire process. You will be able to generate your own four-squared MixoType Identity as a result, and then we break down the results for you by dissecting and analyzing your MixoType Identity as it pertains to you.

$2,000 Value

2. Deep Dive into Specific Self-Actualization Problem

We then focus on a specific Self-Actualization problem you are experiencing, and we help you tackle that problem within the context of your MixoType Identity. Maybe you’re struggling with discovering your purpose, maybe your family does not support your vision, maybe you’re struggling with loneliness as you pursue your vision; everyone has different Self-Actualization problems. We’ll zero in on yours.

✅$1,000 Value

3. Custom Results Report + MixoType Graphic

We produce a customized results report + MixoType graphic tailored to your experience. The MixoType Identity Results Report goes over your entire MixoType Identity, and it gives you a readout of who you are at the core. Since this report is tailored to you, nobody else in the world will have a copy like it. You will also receive a custom action plan based on your specific Self-Actualization within the context of your MixoType Identity and MixoType Results Report. Now, you will know what to do next in order to become the best version of yourself. This is how you truly get to unlock your potential. In addition, you will receive a custom image file of your MixoType Graphic in high-resolution, which you can share to Social Media as a way of signaling to the world who you are at the core.

✅$500 Value


Book My FREE 15 Minute Strategy session


“This consultation is probably the best investment I’ve made since I’ve been in college.”

Trillian Wood-Smith, Musician/Artist/Student @ Lincoln University

“I was no longer thinking what i need to do to impress the people in my life or satisfy society’s needs for me….When I see the future, all I see is pure potential.”

Camden Varady, Construction

“I had a lot of built-up traumas that I was repressing for a while regarding family, circumstances, and missing potential…That night after the call, I felt a motivation come over me…”

Jake Martin, Student @ CSU
“The Discovery Process for MIXO Helped me find out what i’m passionate about… Now after this conversation with Numair, I now know what I need to do next after being lost on this for multiple months.”
Jay Singh, Software Sales

“The way this consultation was that it helped me get through that barrier and have me look at my higher self…”

Malik Ali, Physical Therapist

Frequently Asked Questions

Is there going to be an App?2022-11-29T22:36:11+00:00

We are currently developing Mixo – The Identity Discovery App, which is an extremely basic version of this process. You will be able to download that app once it is available to the public. However, the MixoType Identity Discovery Consultation goes over aspects of the app that will not be available to the public. This consultation is truly the deepest dive into your identity you will ever experience. Those who book a consultation with us now will be able to experience Mixo – The Identity Discovery App with us live over the Zoom call before the app itself goes live for public download, so you are also getting exclusive access. Furthermore, by going through this process with us, you will automatically reserve a registration within the app before it goes live.

Do You Offer Additional Coaching?2022-11-29T22:37:31+00:00

All our clients need to go through the initial MixoType Identity Discovery Consultation before we offer them the option of taking on additional coaching from us. This process helps us to establish a baseline of who we are working with so that we can offer them tailored guidance based on their self-actualization journey.

Can I Schedule Multiple Consultations?2022-11-29T22:38:25+00:00

Yes, you may schedule as many consultations as you would like depending on our availability.

What is the Structure of the Consultation?2022-11-29T22:40:15+00:00

First, we take you through the MixoType Self-Discovery Engine, where you build out your own identity step-by-step as we guide you through it. The format may change depending on the person, but we generally provide you with access to our proprietary Mixo Identity Discovery Software. This process results in you receiving a four-squared badge called your MixoType, which is the visual representation of your unique identity based on your Heroes, Intelligences, Talents, & Collections.

We then analyze your MixoType results together and explain what they mean. After that, we go over a specific problem you are dealing with when it comes to your own journey towards self-actualization. We align this problem with your MixoType Identity. You will receive a results report that is customized to our conversation, along with a custom MixoType graphic that you can upload to social media as a way to present to the world who you are at the core. You will also receive an action plan within that results report that orients you towards solving your specific Self-Actualization problem. The custom report, graphic, action plan, and recording will all be delivered to you after the call as they take time to generate.

Is this like the Meyers-Briggs Personality Type Indicator (MBTI)?2022-11-29T22:41:01+00:00

No, Meyers-Briggs deals with Personality Types. The MixoType Identity Discovery Process deals with visualizing and constructing your unique Identity. Your personality is different from your identity, in that your personality can change based on the environment it is in. Your personality stems from your identity.

Will this Help Me Find My Life’s Purpose?2022-11-29T22:42:11+00:00

We can’t guarantee that. What we can guarantee is that we will guide you through our Self-Discovery Process where you will receive your own MixoType Identity, a custom results report based on your identity + MixoType graphic, an analysis of your specific problem with Self-Actualization, a custom action plan, and a recording of the consultation. Even though all this is designed to give you clarity on your life’s direction, we cannot guarantee that you will discover your “purpose,” as that is a metaphysical concept that is immeasurable. However, with our guidance, you may have greater clarity on your identity, and that clarity may help you to make better purpose-oriented decisions.

Who will be Guiding the Consultation?2022-11-29T22:43:10+00:00

An Identity Expert from the MixoType Team will be performing the Consultations. For now, it will either be Numair Qureshi or Alex Weber.

How Long is the MixoType Identity Discovery Consultation?2022-11-29T22:44:13+00:00

As of now, there is no set time limit for the MixoType Identity Discovery Consultation, but we can guarantee at least one hour of our time. Some calls may run longer, but that is also on a per-case basis. We recommend that you set aside two hours for yourself just to be on the safe side.

What is a “MixoType”?2022-11-29T22:45:45+00:00

“MixoType” is a four-squared visual representation of your unique identity based on your heroes, intelligences, talents, & collections.

How Will the MixoType Identity Discovery Consultation Help Me?2022-11-29T22:46:29+00:00

Your identity is the most important aspect of who you are, but is completely invisible. This makes it difficult for you to express yourself authentically. The MixoType Identity Discovery Consultation gives you the language of identity so that you can express yourself more authentically and build a life around your unique identity. We create a narrative out of that identity, and then we link it to your higher purpose. And if you don’t know what your purpose is, we help you discovery that as well based on your identity (please note, we cannot guarantee the outcome, as purpose is a subjective experience which varies by individual). Then we generate a custom results report with an action plan tailored to your Identity and Narrative so that you can orient yourself towards solving your self-actualization problem. Most importantly, we hold your feet to the fire and hold you accountable so that you are empowered to go out and conquer life based on your identity.


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